Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Longdongsilver Hotmail Com

iMac Lozoya

I've been using Windows since version 3.1 back in 1991. Many years of intensive use, and change the operating system is not an easy decision. Besides Macs are expensive. I know you are wonderful and you pay the quality and I will not regret ... You told me all. But it's hard to make the decision because it is a big change. And not just to learn to use a new operating system, but by changing the mindset of what a computer and how it is used. No more, to change a component, put hand to the gut and amend this or that. If you break something now, you're without a computer for a while and preparing the portfolio.

But if I edit the videos on the 5D, there are not many options. Currently I have to resize and convert all the clips, my computer task that takes 30 to 40 hours for the wedding. And in the end not edit it fluently.

Well, when I finally decide, I find they are about to release new models. What now? Do I expect? When will? What improvements will bring? I go up in price? Nobody knows anything. Looks like the end of this April, which will come with new processors, a new data port, but little else.

wait. I'll tell you.


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