Song of the day: L.i.f.e.g.o.e.s.o.n. - Noah and the Whale
'What you don't have now will come back again
You've got heart and you're going your own way'
You've got heart and you're going your own way'
Today wearing: top - kapph ahl, hawaiian shorts - H & M, bag - river island, socks - Cubus, shoes - Bershka, jewelery - gift (probably some local shops), sunglasses - primark.
So I have a holiday. Still it does not reach me. School Education officially completed, final exam starts in four days, but that's just the exams. Last replay of history, literature, and a lot of tasks in mathematics, and then relaxation to catch forces. Warmth in so far as I had the opportunity to wear my summer Hawaiian shorts. The fact can make a big brown bag than to floristic końca się z tym wszystkim komponuje, ale jest bardzo pojemna i praktyczna, zwłaszcza gdy nosi się dużo książek (niestety sezon na zajęcia dodatkowe nadal trwa). Koniec pisania, czas zaplanować resztę wakacji. Udanej majówki!
photo: dejw
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