Monday, January 31, 2011

Anniversary Cakes Designs

109. natural born skier

Song of the day: Postcards from Italy - Florence & The Machine
(choć tak na prawdę to piosenką wyjazdu była znacznie mniej nastrojowa Rihanna ze swoim 'o na na!', które było wszechobecne na stokach)

'those were our times, those were our times...'

Ciężko, oj ciężko było mi się zabrać do tej notatki i zdjęć, po dwutygodniowej a break from the Internet and all sorts of computers. I'm still at the heart of the Italian slopes, so this time even the frame around the image no. Most likely the next few months bring with them a significant drop in the frequency of blogging, because Baccalaureate is coming with great strides and really have to be applied if you want to get to SGH. But let's get to specifics, ie photorelation the last, how wonderful week.

begin with, that he had never traveled on skis, so the Livigno set off full of confidence. As it turned out, fortunately unfounded. Good morning from the first day:
first day I learned the basics of driving on a low slope, the greatest difficulty proved to be curdling the chairlift (brr).
tired after several hours of driving rested on one of the many sun loungers (who would have thought I got tanned!)
evening march on to the best pub food in town, Bait dal Ghet , which though did not look delightfully from the outside, delighting atmosphere, charming waiters, free aperitivo and delicious food at a good price - offering probably the best tiramisu I have ever tasted.
Despite fatigue full satisfaction + delicious food:

Second day he has already on the blue route between the peaks of - strangely enough does not bother me in that my fear of heights.
The views were spectacular and the weather dopisywała.
exhausted ride on the second day after removing the skis I went to a small hut on the Italian coffee (what else):

Going down down the gondola had Rates some photos from the series 'strange faces' ...
... and even a few awe-inspiring postcard views.
town at the bottom of it was nieczego myself. There was a free zone there, which attracted tourists prone to leaving here the contents of their portfolios.

And places to spend money were quite a few, very expensive dominated world brand, exclusive jewelry stores watches and perfume.
shoes sighed from behind the windows of the exhibition throughout the shopping trip:
For true Apple fans could buy even iCzekolade - white mango flavor was very original flavor.
Every Thursday evening for the season are held demonstrations instructors nurseries. Even these 20 degrees of frost did not discourage me.

Racing: 'High' vs. 'Lowest'
(I still have no idea how it is possible that the skier was going on stilts!)

At the end of the week to fully proud came down from their already high surrounding mountains (3000m above sea level just below) and I can honestly say that skiing proved to be much more fun than I expected.

photo: biotechnology


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